Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Relationship Responsibilities

Boyfriends are needy, so don't be in a relationship unless you can be a mom! It's like having your first child almost, and they need you to be there for them. My responsibilities to be great a girlfriend are simple really. Most of them you probably already do out of instinct, but some take hard work. Some easy responsibilities are to attend everything, cuddle, kiss, listen to him, be honest, spontaneity, nurture him, don't push, and love him! If you already do those things, then awesome, you're already almost a great girlfriend. All you have to sprinkle in now is intelligence, gifts, freedom, communication, and cleaning! Having intelligence is key in keeping a boy; You have to be capable of upholding conversations that he is interested in listening too.  So that means, go out of your way to learn more about the things he likes. Which brings us to our next tip on boyfriends...... KNOW EVERYTHING ABOUT HIM! Girls, make sure you are dating a boy that keeps you interested with his interests and hobbies, because you will get bored getting to know someone that doesn't.  All you have to do is listen, and ask questions about his favorite subjects. Another part of intelligence is remembering dates for things, because he won't, believe me. Giving gifts for no reason also helps win your man's heart over. For example, giving him art, cookies, or even a little something you bought can really make his day.  Cleaning should already be in your brain, and if not, then learn!! Make sure you know how to do laundry, cook, and clean various items and places. If you have as great of a boyfriend that you are girlfriend, then he WILL appreciate these things!!!At the top is a picture of my boyfriend and I <3

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