Monday, March 26, 2012

A Man's Mind

Men are just so simple minded most of the time. If you come across a complex man, its usually because he isn't interested in you enough, or he's too feminine! What I mean by that is, if he is making you confused a lot. Most of them have hobbies and interests just like us, and want us to ask them about it. Guys love talking about themselves, and looking cool. Give them that shot to impress you first, and they just might listen to you later hahaha ;) All men want to feel powerful and masculine compared to their girlfriends and friends. Hopefully, he is just naturally masculine, and you don't have to fake how much more of a man you are. They don't analyze like we do at all!!! They don't sit there and think about the text you just sent him thirty minutes ago. A man's attention span and care for things is impressively lox compared to us drama queens. So do not get mad at them for stupid things, they seriously cant help to be dumb.

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