Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Each Card Has A Name,

the magician, the empress, the fool, the wheel of fortune, strength............... They represent challenges, tests, and twists of fate. No card is all good or all bad; cards can be positive or negative depending on where they fall….. When you read someone’s future, they must think of a question, and hold it in their minds. THEIR CARDS ARE READ IN SECRETS <3 Each card leads to the next, remove TERROR and LOSS to unexpected good fortune. And out of darkness, HOPE IS BORN :)

~ watch My So Called Life for more insight <3

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Imagine This

I feel that the world is lacking imagination completely! Not in our entertainment, but in our society's minds. Why cant people just have open minds on things like magic, spirits, religion, and other wild thoughts. Just because you cant get an answer to everything, it doesn't mean that its not worth thinking about. I fully believe in spirits, the possibility of dinosaurs returning, and maybe even some magic. Why not make life more exciting if all you have to do is think that way <3 

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


 a four foot poster i painted for vivians harry potter birthday :)
my boyfriend and i's light switch i painted :)

sorry i havent been updating................i have been busy with work and my puppy! 

In the meantime follow me on tumblr everyone :) ill be back soon

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Texting Tips

Guys do not think about their texting as much as we do. If he has short responses all the time, or doesn't ever respond, then he isn't interested. We at least know that much about their simple minds. If a boy gives you his number, then do what they do, and wait the three whole days to text him. You know that if the role was reversed he would just do it to you. But do not stoop to their levels and keep doing the waiting three days rule. Chasing over text is immature, but chasing in person is exciting! Men seem to think that waiting to text or call a girl after a certain amount of days will show you their affection level towards you. How stupid is that?! I suggest watching the movie He's Just Not That Into You. It has a lot of examples of women and men chasing each other, and it gives good information on relationships. A quote that I love from that movie is, "A wise person once told me that if a guy wants to be with a girl, he will make it happen, no matter what."

Pet Ideas

All the Single Ladies!

Hey girls! Viv again :) by now I'm sure you've read somewhere that Chantel has a boyfriend, and that he is a great guy! Unfortunately, not all of us are feeling so lucky at the moment, but the single life can be fun. You don't always need a man in your life to be satisfied. It is important to grow up and be independent based on your thoughts and feelings alone, and no one Else's! Remember to keep it CLASSY! You don't need to throw yourself at every guy that says your pretty or laughs at your jokes! If you're still in high school, remember to keep in mind that rumors spread fast and can ruin reputation quickly. DO NOT give guys what they want! Do as little as possible, and play hard to get! Guys love a good chase, and it keeps things interesting, exciting, and mysterious. Keep them coming back for more! I wish I had learned this lesson earlier in life because it's still something I'm struggling with. The outcome in the end will make you feel better about yourself and more in control of your body. Just be yourself and have fun while staying classy and mysterious!

Monday, March 26, 2012

A Man's Mind

Men are just so simple minded most of the time. If you come across a complex man, its usually because he isn't interested in you enough, or he's too feminine! What I mean by that is, if he is making you confused a lot. Most of them have hobbies and interests just like us, and want us to ask them about it. Guys love talking about themselves, and looking cool. Give them that shot to impress you first, and they just might listen to you later hahaha ;) All men want to feel powerful and masculine compared to their girlfriends and friends. Hopefully, he is just naturally masculine, and you don't have to fake how much more of a man you are. They don't analyze like we do at all!!! They don't sit there and think about the text you just sent him thirty minutes ago. A man's attention span and care for things is impressively lox compared to us drama queens. So do not get mad at them for stupid things, they seriously cant help to be dumb.

Sibling Rivalry

Brothers and sisters can be a pain, older or younger, they all bother us at one point. Vivian and I both are big sisters of three children,so we know what we are talking about when it comes to siblings. The first thing to keep in mind when it comes to your brother or sister, is that they are going to always be there! Friends and coworkers will come and go, but family is forever. If you ever need to a shoulder to lean on in the future, then be cool towards your siblings. If your are there for them when your young, then they'll hopefully return the favor one day. Besides, siblings can be great! We hangout with ours every week, even if we are busy. It's important to give them attention and let them know you care.

How To Throw A Party

What every party or kickback needs ~
>Snacks are super amazing for guests, and they seem to make the atmosphere more comfortable. Sweet and salty are always preferred most at parties. All you would need is a bowl of chips and some sodas.
>Music is an absolute must! If you are having close friends over and your guest amount is at a minimal, then play your favorite songs. But, if you are throwing a party, then make some playlist with dance and feel good tunes to ease up the mood.
>Invite people. Just keep in mind that approximately 3-15 people is a kickback, and 20+ is a party!
>have a THEME. Themes are great to get more people to arrive. You can do a black and white theme, masquerade, 70's, costume party, or be creative and think of your own :)
>If you do want to DECORATE your home for the party, whether you have a theme or not, make sure it isn't too over dressed or tacky. Keep the decorations mild.
>ENTERTAINMENT! This is the hardest part about throwing a party. Most of us just hope that the guests will just entertain themselves, but they actually don't sometimes. So do expect awkward moments and be prepared for it! Bring out a movie, or put on some music, or even a deck of cards.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Girl Musicians

My favorite female singers, which should also be more famous than they already are:
-Amy Winehouse
-Etta James
-Lauryn Hill
-Lily Allen
- Julia Stone
-Stevie Nicks
-Imogen Heap
-Kelly Clarkson
-Madi Diaz
-Miley Cyrus
-Natasha Bedingfield
-Haley Williams
-Sheryl Crow


Are they starting to put stress on your body? Do they make you fight a lot? Do they make you miss your friends? I can go on and on about how a boyfriend can sometimes be a bad thing. Make sure you see how he reacts with your friends, and how he treats your freedom, before actually choosing your boy toy. You may be attracted to him to the fullest, and don't care that he does these things. Don't let the boys win! Make sure everything is equal, and you talk about things before a decision is made. You deserve to say what happens in the relationship just as much as he does. LOVE IS A BATTLEFIELD!

Thursday, March 22, 2012


Decorating your room is a must! It helps you feel more at home, let's you express yourself freely, and shows others who you are. Put up some posters of bands you like, artwork you've done, celebrities you admire, and lots of color everywhere :)

Movies To See

These are some of my favorites, and some I feel are just necessary to watch as a girl ! Also another section that we will add to in time :)

Comedy ~ The Hangover, Lars and the Real Girl, Pulp Fiction, Step Brothers, Austin Powers, Jay and Silent Bob, Superbad

Horror~ Silent Hill, The Ring, Thir13en Ghosts, Dead Silence, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Nightmare on Elm Street, Nosferatu, The Uninvited, Insidious

Fantasy/ SciFi~ Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Big Fish, Avatar, The Tin Man

Action/ Adventure~ 300, Fight Club, Clash of the Titans, Zombieland

Drama/ Girly~  Almost Famous, Blue Valentine, The Breakfast Club, Clueless, Seven Pounds, Sixteen Candles, Breakfast at Tiffany's

Volunteer Work

Some local places to check out, and ask if they need help :)
~Homeless Shelters
~State Parks
~Animal Shelter
~Senior Citizen Home
~Salvation Army or Goodwill
~Food Banks, like soup kitchens
~Picking up trash anywhere

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Talk Show Hosts

The Main idea of having your own talk show is to see whats going in the world. Picking your perfect talk show is simple, just figure out what you wanna hear about, and find a host that entertains you!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

How To Reel Him In

Go for guys that have similar interests as you, that way you have a something to actually talk about! Now that you've got that certain guy in mind, think of ways for him to notice you. If he plays sports, go to his games, casually, with other friends. Maybe he likes art, or he's in a club, then join that class or club. Make sure its a short semester class though, because you don't want to get stuck in an awkward position, if things don't work out. Try to get him to realize that you are interested in him as a person by asking him questions about himself. Boys and men, both enjoy talking about themselves. By this time, you'll know if he still captures your interest. Males are a lot less complicated than us, and that gives us the upper hand on manipulation. Manipulating can be a bad thing, but in this case it's not. By hanging out with him a lot, and not pushing him to be your boyfriend, but still flirting, will manipulate him into noticing you more than a friend. Also, dress cuter around him than other people!

Why Do You Like Him?

You don't even want to know how many girls are dating their boyfriends, or wasting their time on a guy they like just because he is attractive. Yea its great to have a hot guy on your shoulder, but there should be more to it than that!! I date my boyfriend because we have so much in common, and we literally always have something to talk about. We share a love for all animals, video games, sports, and even music. If he doesn't do a sport, have a hobby, or even have a favorite musician, then heads up....he isn't very interesting. Go for guys that do similar things as you, and are still attractive. Sometimes you'll even find a guy that isn't that hot, but he still makes your heart sings because of the way he makes you feel. If you can find a guy that makes YOU feel special, then keep him, even if he is boring hahaha! My man makes me feel like a princess, a mom, and crazy sometimes, but I love him <3

Sunday, March 18, 2012


The wide open doors! Camping can be a time to learn a lot of new things, a time to get injured badly, or maybe even stir up some romance. Whatever the case, you always come home with a grand story to tell, and a precious memory to hold. Camping is easy if you pack correctly and efficiently! Make sure you have everything locked and sealed away from animals, and you bring your bug spray. I know you tomboys feel like you can handle anything sometimes, but camping can be hard if you go for long periods of time. So, like I said before, pack correctly, and make a list to check off before you go. I've been on a great deal of week long camping trips, and I'm glad I made a packing list each time!

How To Shop Smart

Before you even think about shopping, go through that jam packed closet and GET RID of everything you don't wear or fit into anymore!! Don't be like Rebecca Bloomwood, from Confessions of  A Shopaholic, and pac-rat all your clothes, or spend all your money! Donate it all to Goodwill, and give back to your community. Also quickly check to see what clothing articles you have less of, so you know what to shop for. And make sure you know already what colors look best with your skin tone, while still keeping in mind the time of year. It's always good to shop according to the current or following season. I can't stress this anymore: LOOK ONLINE! You might find something super cute online, and then go out and see the same thing for twice as much. Then you can just go home and purchase it online for half the price, but you DO have to wait for it in the mail. The first stores to check out are thrift stores and consignment shops. They always have at least one thing you'll find for an amazing price! Remember to pick out your blouses first, and then match your pants and shoes to them. Make sure everything you purchase is simple enough to match with your other clothes at home, and moderation is key, so don't buy too many different prints or odd colors :D

Ahhhh Hair !

There are about a million different hair products to choose from, and they're sold everywhere. You can find them at your local grocery store, department stores like Target, and cosmetic stores as well. I'm sure you've seen some other girl's hair, and wondered how she keeps it so nice, right? Well, she probably uses the right products for her hair! I use Head & Shoulders Smooth and Silky Shampoo & Conditioner, so that I have a healthy scalp, because a healthy scalp leads to healthy hair :) Vivian and I have completely opposite hair, and hair problems. She has thin oily straight hair, and I have thick frizzy curly hair. To get rid of oily hair, lightly pat some baby powder on those greasy areas. To add volume to your hair, buy a large bristle brush, and use Bed Head's After-Party! I don't mind my thick hair really, and there isn't much I can do about it either, other than get it cut. My frizz mayhem on the other hand is a pain, but luckily they created anti-frizz hair serum. My favorite brand is Biosilk, but if you want a cheap yet efficient hair serum, try Organix Nourishing Coconut Milk. The Best products for curls are from Bed Head of course. Their Foxy Curls products save my life for school, interviews, reunions,a and parties. Some things to keep on you at all times in case of  hair emergencies are bobby pins, hair-ties, hair serum, a compact mirror, and a little brush. Also remember if you use a straightener or curler, try using heat protection sprays to avoid damage!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Prom Dress

PHOTO! PHOTOS! PHOTOS! Did I mention to take some photos ? You will regret it if you don't capture the night to remember in the future. Vivian and I went in a limo with our dates and friends to prom together in 2010, and we look those fun classy photos all the time :) But the main reason why our photos looked sooo great was because of our dresses!! Vivian wore a unique and expensive Betsey Johnson dress, and I wore a classic ruffled dress that was on sale. So the answer is YES, you can still look gorgeous and spend under a $100 on your prom dress and accessories! Some key things to remember when dress shopping is to not buy anything too traditional, scandalous, or extra bejeweled. Also stay away from stores that you know everyone will go to, such as Windsor, Forever 21, or Macy's. Remember to look online before you go out shopping, if you haven't waited until last minute, and then check out all the local consignment stores and thrift shops. If you have been saving up for a dress, and do want to spend a large amount on it, still look online, and then go boutique shopping! Being unique, simple, making sure you can dance in it, and accessorizing it the right way is how your prom dress should be!!! You don't have to buy a long fancy dress, or be formal at all! As long as you make your casual or simple dress super fancy with your accessories, you can buy any dress really! The second photo is one I put together of dresses you can wear to prom, and how you can dress them up :)

Check out the links below for some reasonably priced dresses, and for the ones pictured above:

For outrageous dresses, but also price:

Prom Advice

This is the night you've been waiting for, and you want to make it perfect don't you?! You should be planning now then!! Calling and making limo or party bus reservations, dinner plans, get hair and makeup scheduled in, plan the after-party, and more :) It's a lot of work to have a successful prom night. But as long as you get your dress first, everything else should hopefully fall into place. The biggest things girls worry about when it comes to prom are their dresses, dates, and budget. Read above to help find your dress! As for your date, ask a guy that you are already comfortable with. I went with my boyfriend of two years, and Vivian went with a childhood friend. It will make things less awkward, less stressful, and more enjoyable. I think its important to have something to look forward to for after prom, the After-Party. That way you can stay in a positive mood looking forward to something :) Be prepared for peer pressure on this night as well. The most important thing, as cliche as this sounds, is to HAVE FUN!

St. Patrick's Day

"It's not easy being green." ~Kermit the Frog. Today is Saint Patrick's Day! A time to celebrate irish history and culture. It's been celebrated for over a thousand years, and mostly in by the Roman Catholic Church in Ireland. Vivian has been to Ireland actually, and above are some of her favorite pictures she has taken there!! St. Patrick has to be the most prominent figure in this holiday, and the reason being is that he brought Christianity to Ireland. It is said to be on this date mainly because they believe that he died on March 17, 461 AD. We celebrate this holiday worldwide though; by wearing green, pinching each other, drinking green beer, feasting, and respect the Irish culture. Four-leaf clovers' rare occurrences are still known to be lucky, and the estimate is supposedly around 10,000 three-leaf clovers for ever lucky four-leaf one :)Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Our Puppy Blu Ragoo

 My boyfriend, Dylan, and I received this lil blessing late last night :) I wanted to take some pics to show you guys how cute our golden retriever is <3


Here is a list of some of my personal favorite perfumes. The prices below are all online pricing :

~Victoria Secret Love Spell $7
~Vera Wang Princess $28
~Aquolina Pink Sugar $15
~Clinique Happy $30
~Juicy Couture Viva La Juicy $20
~ Marc Jacobs Oh Lola $49
~Dior Pure Poison $88
~Betsey Johnson Too Too $18
~La Vanila vanilla grapefruit $39
~Victoria Secret's Ooh La La $18

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Sensitive Skin Care

Hey everyone! This is Vivian, and this is my first post! Since I was a little girl, I have dealt with a hereditary disease called Eczema that leaves my skin itchy and covered in rashes, and it isn't easy to manage! Now you don't have to have it to read this post, but dry sensitive skin isn't uncommon. For me, it's all about moisture! :) Try to avoid anything that is scented or dyed such as lotion, perfume, laundry detergent, body/face wash, and deodorant. Look for products that say SCENT FREE, DYE FREE, or FREE AND CLEAR. Hot water easily dries out your skin, as does chlorine! Make sure that you keep some really good lotion in your purse or car to put on as soon as you can (for showers I recommend immediately after for best results!). My favorite and highly recommended product is the Cetaphil skin care line. They have lotion, body wash and face wash! It is sold at Target and Costco for a reasonable price as well :) For summer I also suggest baby sunscreen or sun tan lotion, because it's not as harsh but still does the job! Let's keep our skin looking beautiful ladies!!! ;D

Lose the Belly Fat

Here are some tips to keep healthy and in shape! But mostly to keep the weight off your tummy :D

~workout at least 3 days a week
~DO push-ups and sit-ups the most!
~avoid late-night snacking
~stop drinking alcohol, it makes you fat and grouchy
~go for the TONED look more, you don't need a 6 pack haha
~forget diet pills! just eat healthy and exercise
~drink lots of water to prevent bloating
~starving yourself makes you more fat and gain belly weight!!
~USE weights to feel the burn :)
~listen to music and go on a run 

Good Reads

This is one of the sections that will have information added over time, so check back every so often for new books to check out and read!

~Elizabeth Scott: Perfect You, Stealing Heaven, Living Dead Girl, Bloom, &Something, Maybe  (somewhat realistic romance novels)

~J.K. Rowling: Harry Potter Series

~Mitch Albom: Tuesdays with Maurie, The Five People You Meet in Heaven, & For One More Day  (inspirational)

~ Dave Pelzer: A Child Called It                                                                             
 (the waterworks)

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The Punniest Holiday......Pi Day!

Thank goodness its Pi Day! One of the most recognized Greek letters would have to be pi, π. It is just a mathematical symbol that's the ratio of a circle's circumference (width) to its diameter (distance around circle). Today is a holiday, so you should definitely celebrate!!It comes around once a year on March 14, 3/14, which is where the pun comes in!! Today also happens to be Albert Einstein's birthday. So there is no reason to not have a good time on this random Wednesday. We should all eat some pie, and brush up on our math :) Here are some fun websites that make math tolerable and fun :

Relationship Responsibilities

Boyfriends are needy, so don't be in a relationship unless you can be a mom! It's like having your first child almost, and they need you to be there for them. My responsibilities to be great a girlfriend are simple really. Most of them you probably already do out of instinct, but some take hard work. Some easy responsibilities are to attend everything, cuddle, kiss, listen to him, be honest, spontaneity, nurture him, don't push, and love him! If you already do those things, then awesome, you're already almost a great girlfriend. All you have to sprinkle in now is intelligence, gifts, freedom, communication, and cleaning! Having intelligence is key in keeping a boy; You have to be capable of upholding conversations that he is interested in listening too.  So that means, go out of your way to learn more about the things he likes. Which brings us to our next tip on boyfriends...... KNOW EVERYTHING ABOUT HIM! Girls, make sure you are dating a boy that keeps you interested with his interests and hobbies, because you will get bored getting to know someone that doesn't.  All you have to do is listen, and ask questions about his favorite subjects. Another part of intelligence is remembering dates for things, because he won't, believe me. Giving gifts for no reason also helps win your man's heart over. For example, giving him art, cookies, or even a little something you bought can really make his day.  Cleaning should already be in your brain, and if not, then learn!! Make sure you know how to do laundry, cook, and clean various items and places. If you have as great of a boyfriend that you are girlfriend, then he WILL appreciate these things!!!At the top is a picture of my boyfriend and I <3